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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool cfdisk. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


CFDisk is a command-line tool used for partitioning disks on Linux systems. It is a simple and straightforward tool that allows users to create, delete, and manage disk partitions effectively. Here are ten key details about cfdisk:

  1. Partition Management: CFDisk offers an intuitive interface to manage disk partitions, allowing users to create and manipulate various partition types, including primary, extended, and logical partitions.

  2. Interactive Interface: CFDisk provides an interactive and menu-driven interface that makes it user-friendly, enabling users to navigate through options and perform partitioning tasks effortlessly.

  3. Disk Information: It displays detailed information about the disk, such as disk size, total number of partitions, sector sizes, and the filesystem type on each partition.

  4. Keyboard Navigation: CFDisk supports keyboard navigation, allowing users to move between different partitions, select options or actions, and modify partition attributes using simple keystrokes.

  5. Partition Resizing: CFDisk facilitates resizing existing partitions by allowing users to shrink or enlarge their sizes to accommodate changes in disk space requirements.

  6. Partition Labeling: It provides the option to assign labels to partitions, making it easier to identify and manage specific partitions during system administration tasks.

  7. Secure Disk Handling: CFDisk ensures data security by wiping out partitions securely, making it ideal for cases where complete erasure of sensitive data is necessary.

  8. MBR and GPT Support: CFDisk supports both the traditional Master Boot Record (MBR) and the newer GUID Partition Table (GPT) partitioning schemes, offering compatibility with various system setups.

  9. Easy Navigation: Users can easily navigate between different partitions, modify partition layouts, and perform tasks like setting bootable flags or toggling partition flags for specific purposes.

  10. Compatibility: CFDisk is widely available and compatible with most Linux distributions. It is commonly used to partition disks during the installation of Linux operating systems or to manage disk partitions post-installation.

List of commands for cfdisk:

  • cfdisk:tldr:4d006 cfdisk: Start the partition manipulator with a specific device.
    $ cfdisk ${-dev-sdX}
    try on your machine
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  • cfdisk:tldr:fdb38 cfdisk: Create a new partition table for a specific device and manage it.
    $ cfdisk --zero ${-dev-sdX}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
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