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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool dmesg. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Dmesg is a command-line tool used in Unix-like operating systems to display kernel ring buffer messages, which contains information about events and status occurring within the Linux kernel. It stands for "diagnostic message."

  1. The tool allows users to easily access and analyze important system notifications, error messages, warnings, and other kernel-related information.
  2. Dmesg retrieves data directly from the kernel ring buffer, a temporary storage area that holds messages until they are read by a process.
  3. These messages provide valuable insights into system processes, hardware initialization, device drivers, and other kernel activities.
  4. Running the dmesg command without any arguments displays the entire kernel ring buffer, which can be quite verbose.
  5. It enables users to identify potential hardware or software issues and diagnose problems that may have caused system failures or errors.
  6. The output includes timestamps, identifying when each message was generated, aiding in understanding the sequence of events.
  7. Users can also filter the output by specifying various arguments. For example, "dmesg -l warning" will only display warning-level messages.
  8. It can help troubleshoot device connectivity issues, such as USB or network interface problems, by providing detailed information about detected hardware.
  9. Dmesg can be particularly useful for Linux system administrators, developers, or anyone needing to investigate system behavior or understand kernel-related events.
  10. The command is available on most Linux distributions and is often used in conjunction with other tools to ensure system health and resolve potential issues.

List of commands for dmesg:

  • dmesg:tldr:0f24c dmesg: Show how much physical memory is available on this system.
    $ dmesg | grep -i memory
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  • dmesg:tldr:12457 dmesg: Show kernel messages and keep reading new ones, similar to `tail -f` (available in kernels 3.5.0 and newer).
    $ dmesg -w
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  • dmesg:tldr:509e4 dmesg: Colorize output (available in kernels 3.5.0 and newer).
    $ dmesg -L
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  • dmesg:tldr:6b8cf dmesg: Show kernel messages.
    $ dmesg
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  • dmesg:tldr:b3102 dmesg: Show kernel messages with a timestamp (available in kernels 3.5.0 and newer).
    $ dmesg -T
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  • dmesg:tldr:e0858 dmesg: Show kernel error messages.
    $ dmesg --level err
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  • dmesg:tldr:e8bb0 dmesg: Show kernel messages in human-readable form (available in kernels 3.5.0 and newer).
    $ dmesg -H
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  • dmesg:tldr:ee86f dmesg: Show kernel messages 1 page at a time.
    $ dmesg | less
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