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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool iptables-save. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


iptables-save is a command line tool in Linux used to save the current set of firewall rules in the iptables rule-set format. It allows users to store and retrieve firewall configurations that have been defined using the iptables command.

When executed, iptables-save displays all the currently configured rules and policies, including the filter table, nat table, and mangle table. The output is usually redirected to a file so that it can be easily restored later through iptables-restore.

The command is particularly useful for maintaining consistent firewall configurations across system reboots, allowing administrators to store their rules and reload them automatically during startup. It is commonly used in scripts and system configuration files to ensure firewall rules are applied consistently.

By saving the firewall rules, iptables-save helps administrators avoid manually reconfiguring the firewall each time the system restarts or the rules need to be reapplied. It simplifies the process of persisting firewall configurations and makes it easier to implement complex rulesets.

When combined with other iptables commands, such as iptables-restore and iptables-apply, iptables-save contributes to a comprehensive firewall management solution. It facilitates rule management, troubleshooting, and auditing of firewall configurations.

iptables-save relies on the Netfilter framework, which is an essential component of the Linux kernel that provides the firewall functionality. It interacts directly with the underlying iptables subsystem to retrieve the current rule set and generate the appropriate output.

Overall, iptables-save is a valuable tool for system administrators and network engineers to store and retrieve firewall rules in Linux, ensuring consistent and reliable network security configurations.

List of commands for iptables-save:

  • iptables:tldr:4adb5 iptables: Save iptables configuration of a given table to a file.
    $ sudo iptables-save -t ${tablename} > ${path-to-iptables_file}
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