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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool lorem. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Lorem is a command line tool that generates random Latin-like text commonly used as placeholder content in design and development. It is a popular tool for generating sample text for websites, software prototypes, and graphic designs.

  1. The word "Lorem" is derived from the Latin word "dolorem" which means pain or sorrow, and it has been used as a placeholder since the 16th century.
  2. Lorem is widely used in the design industry to fill spaces where the actual content is not yet available or needed for demonstration purposes.
  3. The tool generates random paragraphs of Latin-like text that resemble real words and sentences, but it is actually nonsense and holds no meaning.
  4. The primary purpose of using lorem ipsum text is to avoid distracting the viewer with readable content and focus on the design elements.
  5. The text generated by the lorem tool consists of repetitive combinations of letters and words, maintaining an adequate distribution of vowels and consonants.
  6. It helps designers and developers visualize how the final design will look with text elements without getting distracted by the actual content.
  7. In addition to generating paragraphs, lorem can also generate individual words, sentences, or even entire documents of random text.
  8. The text generated by lorem is often scrambled or altered to ensure that it doesn't unintentionally resemble real words or phrases in any language.
  9. While Lorem is commonly associated with design, it is also used in the printing and typesetting industry to demonstrate different font styles and layouts.
  10. The phrase "lorem ipsum" has become so widely recognized that it is often mocked or joked about, with various parody versions of the placeholder text created for comedic effect.

List of commands for lorem:

  • lorem:tldr:4c5ff lorem: Print 40 random characters from Boccaccio's Decameron.
    $ lorem --randomize -c ${40} --decamerone
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • lorem:tldr:b7270 lorem: Print 10 lines of Goethe's Faust.
    $ lorem -l ${10} --faust
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • lorem:tldr:fc141 lorem: Print 5 sentences of Poe's Raven.
    $ lorem -s ${5} --raven
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • lorem:tldr:fcef5 lorem: Print the specified number of words.
    $ lorem -n ${20}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
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