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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool lspath. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


The lspath command line tool is used in Unix-like operating systems. It provides information about the path of logical or virtual devices. The tool is commonly used for troubleshooting and system administration tasks. By executing lspath, one can obtain details about the paths to storage devices, including disks, tape drives, and other storage peripherals. The information provided includes the status, type, and location of the paths. lspath supports various options such as -l to display detailed information about each path, -p to specify a specific physical disk, and -H to display the output in a comma-separated format. The tool can be useful in identifying and diagnosing issues with storage devices, such as connectivity problems or failed paths. System administrators can also use lspath to configure and manage path priority, which determines the order of path selection for input/output operations. Overall, lspath is an essential command line tool for managing storage devices and troubleshooting related issues in Unix-like operating systems.

List of commands for lspath:

  • lspath:tldr:15a13 lspath: Print the contents of the system PATH variable, with one element per line.
    $ lspath
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  • lspath:tldr:92ce8 lspath: Print the current contents of the system PATH variable, with one element per line, with the output paged.
    $ lspath --page
    try on your machine
    explain this command
tool overview