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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool mysqld. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Mysqld is a command-line tool in MySQL used to start the MySQL server daemon.

  1. It is a crucial component of the MySQL database management system, responsible for handling database connections, executing queries, and managing data.
  2. The command allows users to start, stop, or restart the MySQL server on their machine.
  3. When executed, mysqld reads the configuration file (typically my.cnf or my.ini) to determine the server settings, including ports, data directory, and log files.
  4. It runs as a background process and listens for client connections on the configured port.
  5. Mysqld supports various command-line options, allowing users to specify custom settings or override configuration file values.
  6. It provides logging facilities for recording server events, errors, and queries, which can be helpful for troubleshooting and performance monitoring.
  7. Security features like user authentication and access control are handled by mysqld, ensuring that only authorized users can connect and execute operations.
  8. Mysqld is designed to be platform-independent and can be used on different operating systems like Linux, Windows, and macOS.
  9. It allows for high availability and scalability by supporting multiple server instances on a single machine or by utilizing master-slave or master-master replication.
  10. By default, mysqld runs on port 3306, but this can be changed in the configuration file to avoid conflicts with other services running on the same machine.

List of commands for mysqld:

  • mysqld:help:show-options Show all help options and exit.
    $ mysqld --verbose --help
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • mysqld:tldr:01a97 mysqld: Start the server and listen on a custom port.
    $ mysqld --port=${port}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • mysqld:tldr:2a816 mysqld: Start the server, saving logging output to a custom log file.
    $ mysqld --log=${filename-log}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • mysqld:tldr:3e210 mysqld: Print the default arguments and their values and exit.
    $ mysqld --print-defaults
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • mysqld:tldr:640f4 mysqld: Start the server, reading arguments and values from a file.
    $ mysqld --defaults-file=${filename}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • mysqld:tldr:7e3bc mysqld: Start the MySQL database server.
    $ mysqld
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • mysqld:tldr:9795b mysqld: Start the server, printing error messages to the console.
    $ mysqld --console
    try on your machine
    explain this command
tool overview