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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool npm-home. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


npm-home is a command line tool for opening the npm package's homepage in a web browser. It allows developers to quickly access the homepage of a specific npm package right from the command line. It is a convenient way to explore documentation, examples, and other resources related to a package. The tool is built on top of Node.js and can be installed globally via the npm package manager. Once installed, developers can simply run "npm-home " to open the homepage of the specified npm package. It supports both public and private packages, making it useful for both open source and enterprise projects. npm-home also provides additional options to directly open the issue tracker, repository, or documentation of a package. It helps streamline the development workflow by reducing the need for manually searching and navigating package documentation on the web. The package is actively maintained and has a wide user base, ensuring continuous updates and improvements. It is compatible with different operating systems and can be integrated into various development environments. Overall, npm-home enhances the accessibility of npm packages and makes it easier for developers to explore and understand their dependencies.

List of commands for npm-home:

  • npm-home:tldr:1a024 npm-home: Open the GitHub repository of a specific package in the web browser.
    $ npm-home -g ${package}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • npm-home:tldr:3f91f npm-home: Open the Yarn page of a specific package in the web browser.
    $ npm-home -y ${package}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • npm-home:tldr:4a30f npm-home: Open the npm page of a specific package in the web browser.
    $ npm-home ${package}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
tool overview