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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool opt. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Opt is a command line tool used for optimizing performance in software applications. It is part of the LLVM (Low-Level Virtual Machine) compiler infrastructure project. Opt works by analyzing, transforming, and optimizing code written in LLVM IR (Intermediate Representation) format.

With Opt, developers can apply a variety of optimization passes to their code to improve performance, reduce code size, and enhance the overall efficiency of their applications. These optimization passes include function inlining, loop unrolling, instruction combining, dead code elimination, and constant propagation, among others.

Opt provides a flexible and extensible framework for customization. Developers can select specific optimization passes to apply, adjust their respective optimization levels, and even create custom optimization passes to suit their specific requirements.

Opt can be used as a standalone tool, or as part of a more comprehensive compiler optimization pipeline. It plays a crucial role in the process of transforming LLVM IR into executable machine code, ultimately improving the performance of the compiled application.

The output of Opt can be monitored using various options to control the level of detail displayed. Developers can choose to generate detailed reports, including information about applied optimization passes, timings, and statistics. This level of insight helps in understanding the impact of optimizations and making informed decisions for further code improvements.

Opt can also assist in code analysis and debugging by providing options to disable optimizations selectively. This allows developers to identify potential issues or understand the behavior of their code without the influence of certain optimization transformations.

Opt is highly regarded for its effectiveness in optimizing code across various programming languages and platforms. Its integration with LLVM makes it a powerful tool in the realm of compiler optimizations and performance tuning.

List of commands for opt:

  • opt:tldr:10257 opt: Output the Control Flow Graph of a function to a `.dot` file.
    $ opt ${-dot-cfg} -S ${filename-bc} -disable-output
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  • opt:tldr:1c183 opt: Optimize the program at level 2 and output the result to another file.
    $ opt -O2 ${filename-bc} -S -o ${path-to-output_file-bc}
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  • opt:tldr:f00e4 opt: Run an optimization or analysis on a bitcode file.
    $ opt -${passname} ${filename-bc} -S -o ${file_opt-bc}
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tool overview