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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool rpi-imager. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


The rpi-imager is a command line tool used for creating bootable SD cards for Raspberry Pi devices. It allows users to effortlessly write operating system images onto SD cards for Raspberry Pi setup. This tool is developed by the Raspberry Pi Foundation, ensuring reliable and official support.

It offers a user-friendly interface that simplifies the process of image selection, SD card formatting, and writing. Users can choose from a range of pre-configured operating system images provided by the Raspberry Pi Foundation, including Raspbian, Ubuntu Server, and others.

Furthermore, it supports custom image writing by allowing users to select and write their own downloaded images. This flexibility enables users to experiment with different operating systems and configurations on their Raspberry Pi devices.

The rpi-imager is compatible with various operating systems including Windows, macOS, and Linux. It provides an intuitive and consistent interface across different platforms, streamlining the image writing process.

Additionally, it performs checksum verification to ensure the integrity of the written images, reducing the chance of corrupted SD card setups. This feature greatly improves the reliability of the tool and safeguards against potential issues.

Overall, the rpi-imager is a powerful and reliable command line tool that simplifies the process of creating bootable SD cards for Raspberry Pi devices, making it more accessible and user-friendly for beginners and experienced users alike.

List of commands for rpi-imager:

  • rpi-imager:tldr:4f21f rpi-imager: Write a specific image to a specific block device.
    $ rpi-imager --cli ${path-to-image-zip} ${-dev-sdX}
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  • rpi-imager:tldr:a44cc rpi-imager: Write a specific image to a block device, disabling the checksum verification.
    $ rpi-imager --cli --disable-verify ${path-to-image-zip} ${-dev-sdX}
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  • rpi-imager:tldr:ba2e6 rpi-imager: Write a specific image to a block device, which will expect a specific checksum when running the verification.
    $ rpi-imager --cli --sha256 ${expected_hash} ${path-to-image-zip} ${-dev-sdX}
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tool overview