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List of commands for authconfig:

  • authconfig:tldr:46af6 authconfig: Enable local authorization.
    $ authconfig --update --enablelocauthorize
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  • authconfig:tldr:75154 authconfig: Configure the server to use a different password hashing algorithm.
    $ authconfig --update --passalgo=${algorithm}
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  • authconfig:tldr:8ff9c authconfig: Enable LDAP authentication.
    $ authconfig --update --enableldapauth
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  • authconfig:tldr:9ddea authconfig: Enable Winbind (Active Directory) authentication.
    $ authconfig --update --enablewinbindauth
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  • authconfig:tldr:d0c05 authconfig: Enable Network Information Service (NIS).
    $ authconfig --update --enablenis
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  • authconfig:tldr:efbc2 authconfig: Disable LDAP authentication.
    $ authconfig --update --disableldapauth
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  • authconfig:tldr:f11fd authconfig: Enable Kerberos.
    $ authconfig --update --enablekrb5
    try on your machine
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  • authconfig:tldr:f4e06 authconfig: Display the current configuration (or dry run).
    $ authconfig --test
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