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List of commands for crictl:

  • crictl:tldr:026a2 crictl: List all kubernetes pods (Ready and NotReady).
    $ crictl pods
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  • crictl:tldr:451e9 crictl: Remove one or more images.
    $ crictl rmi ${image_id1 image_id2 ---}
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  • crictl:tldr:6c94e crictl: Pull a specific image from a registry.
    $ crictl pull ${image:tag}
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  • crictl:tldr:7da7b crictl: Open a specific shell inside a running container.
    $ crictl exec -it ${container_id} ${sh}
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  • crictl:tldr:84907 crictl: Print and [f]ollow logs of a specific container.
    $ crictl logs -f ${container_id}
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  • crictl:tldr:93757 crictl: Print information about specific containers.
    $ crictl inspect ${container_id1 container_id2 ---}
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  • crictl:tldr:aad88 crictl: List all images.
    $ crictl images
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  • crictl:tldr:adb23 crictl: List all containers (Running and Exited).
    $ crictl ps --all
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