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List of commands for curlie:

  • curlie:tldr:3ea75 curlie: Send a GET request.
    $ curlie ${httpbin-org-get}
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  • curlie:tldr:41cf3 curlie: Send a POST request.
    $ curlie post ${httpbin-org-post} ${name=john} ${age:=25}
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  • curlie:tldr:83b2f curlie: Send a GET request with a custom header.
    $ curlie get ${httpbin-org-get} ${header-name:header-value}
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  • curlie:tldr:98c9b curlie: Send a GET request with query parameters (e.g. `first_param=5&second_param=true`).
    $ curlie get ${httpbin-org-get} ${first_param==5} ${second_param==true}
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