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List of commands for exrex:

  • exrex:tldr:1da0a exrex: Generate a random string that matches a regular expression.
    $ exrex --random '${regular_expression}'
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  • exrex:tldr:5772a exrex: Generate all possible strings that match a regular expression.
    $ exrex '${regular_expression}'
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  • exrex:tldr:5d8d1 exrex: Generate all possible strings that match a regular expression, joined by a custom delimiter string.
    $ exrex --delimiter "${, }" '${regular_expression}'
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  • exrex:tldr:6bbc4 exrex: Print a boat.
    $ exrex '${( {20}(\| *\\|-{22}|\|)|\-={50}| ( ){0,5}\\\-| {12}~{39})}'
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  • exrex:tldr:7f1d8 exrex: Print count of all possible strings that match a regular expression.
    $ exrex --count '${regular_expression}'
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  • exrex:tldr:9861c exrex: Generate at most 100 strings that match a regular expression.
    $ exrex --max-number ${100} '${regular_expression}'
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  • exrex:tldr:fad44 exrex: Simplify a regular expression.
    $ exrex --simplify '${select}'
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