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List of commands for ffuf:

  • ffuf:tldr:054b9 ffuf: Discover subdomains using a subdomain list on a target website.
    $ ffuf -w ${subdomains-txt} -u ${https:--website-com} -H "${Host: FUZZ-website-com}"
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  • ffuf:tldr:0adad ffuf: Discover directories using a [w]ordlist on a target website with a max individual job time of 60 seconds and recursion discovery depth of 2 levels.
    $ ffuf -w ${path-to-wordlist} -u ${https:--target-FUZZ} -maxtime-job ${60} -recursion -recursion-depth ${2}
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  • ffuf:tldr:21ded ffuf: Fuzz host-[H]eaders with a host file on a target website and [m]atch HTTP 200 [c]ode responses.
    $ ffuf -w ${hosts-txt} -u ${https:--example-org} -H "${Host: FUZZ}" -mc ${200}
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  • ffuf:tldr:3386f ffuf: Fuzz GET parameter on a target website and [f]ilter out message [s]ize response of 4242 bytes.
    $ ffuf -w ${path-to-param_names-txt} -u ${https:--target-script-php?FUZZ=test_value} -fs ${4242}
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  • ffuf:tldr:618b6 ffuf: Fuzz POST method with POST [d]ata of password on a target website and [f]ilter out HTTP response [c]ode 401.
    $ ffuf -w ${path-to-postdata-txt} -X ${POST} -d "${username=admin\&password=FUZZ}" -u ${https:--target-login-php} -fc ${401}
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  • ffuf:tldr:dfaec ffuf: Discover directories using a [w]ordlist on a target [u]rl with [c]olorized and [v]erbose output.
    $ ffuf -w ${path-to-wordlist} -u ${https:--target-FUZZ} -c -v
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