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List of commands for iverilog:

  • iverilog:tldr:14e23 iverilog: Preprocess Verilog code without compiling.
    $ iverilog -E ${path-to-source-v}
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  • iverilog:tldr:4471e iverilog: Compile using Verilog library files from a different path.
    $ iverilog ${path-to-source-v} -o ${path-to-executable} -I${path-to-library_directory}
    try on your machine
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  • iverilog:tldr:a3698 iverilog: Compile and run explicitly using the VVP runtime.
    $ iverilog -o ${path-to-executable} -tvvp ${path-to-source-v}
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  • iverilog:tldr:bc840 iverilog: Compile a source file into an executable.
    $ iverilog ${path-to-source-v} -o ${path-to-executable}
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