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List of commands for monodis:

  • monodis:tldr:4ba7c monodis: List the references of an assembly.
    $ monodis --assemblyref ${path-to-assembly-exe}
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  • monodis:tldr:718e2 monodis: Save the output to a file.
    $ monodis --output=${path-to-output-il} ${path-to-assembly-exe}
    try on your machine
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  • monodis:tldr:93fed monodis: Show information about an assembly.
    $ monodis --assembly ${path-to-assembly-dll}
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  • monodis:tldr:99f34 monodis: List all the methods in an assembly.
    $ monodis --method ${path-to-assembly-exe}
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  • monodis:tldr:a4dc6 monodis: Show a list of resources embedded within an assembly.
    $ monodis --manifest ${path-to-assembly-dll}
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  • monodis:tldr:ccc7e monodis: Extract all the embedded resources to the current directory.
    $ monodis --mresources ${path-to-assembly-dll}
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  • monodis:tldr:f1652 monodis: Disassemble an assembly to textual CIL.
    $ monodis ${path-to-assembly-exe}
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