List of commands for namei:
namei:tldr:0a15e namei: Display the results in a long-listing format.$ namei --long ${path-to-a} ${path-to-b} ${path-to-c}try on your machineexplain this command
namei:tldr:67b19 namei: Show owner and group name of each file.$ namei --owners ${path-to-a} ${path-to-b} ${path-to-c}try on your machineexplain this command
namei:tldr:6f09e namei: Resolve the pathnames specified as the argument parameters.$ namei ${path-to-a} ${path-to-b} ${path-to-c}try on your machineexplain this command
namei:tldr:d8c77 namei: Don't follow symlinks while resolving.$ namei --nosymlinks ${path-to-a} ${path-to-b} ${path-to-c}try on your machineexplain this command
namei:tldr:f012f namei: Show the mode bits of each file type in the style of `ls`.$ namei --modes ${path-to-a} ${path-to-b} ${path-to-c}try on your machineexplain this command