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List of commands for pio-test:

  • pio-test:tldr:2847d pio-test: Test only specific environments.
    $ pio test --environment ${environment1} --environment ${environment2}
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  • pio-test:tldr:2daa6 pio-test: Specify a custom configuration file for running the tests.
    $ pio test --project-conf ${path-to-platformio-ini}
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  • pio-test:tldr:3388d pio-test: Specify a port for firmware uploading.
    $ pio test --upload-port ${upload_port}
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  • pio-test:tldr:67806 pio-test: Run all tests in all environments of the current PlatformIO project.
    $ pio test
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  • pio-test:tldr:79c8f pio-test: Run only tests whose name matches a specific glob pattern.
    $ pio test --filter "${pattern}"
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  • pio-test:tldr:e5922 pio-test: Ignore tests whose name matches a specific glob pattern.
    $ pio test --ignore "${pattern}"
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