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List of commands for projucer:

  • projucer:tldr:0c7e1 projucer: Display information about a project.
    $ Projucer --status ${path-to-project_file}
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  • projucer:tldr:3605a projucer: Resave all files and resources in a project.
    $ Projucer --resave ${path-to-project_file}
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  • projucer:tldr:57025 projucer: Generate a JUCE project from a PIP file.
    $ Projucer --create-project-from-pip ${path-to-PIP} ${path-to-output}
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  • projucer:tldr:746bb projucer: Display help.
    $ Projucer --help
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  • projucer:tldr:92b58 projucer: Update the version number in a project.
    $ Projucer --set-version ${version_number} ${path-to-project_file}
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  • projucer:tldr:b337a projucer: Remove all JUCE-style comments (`//=====`, `//-----` or `///////`).
    $ Projucer --tidy-divider-comments ${path-to-target_folder}
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