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List of commands for pup:

  • pup:tldr:1100e pup: Print all text from the filtered HTML elements and their children.
    $ cat ${index-html} | pup '${div} text{}'
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  • pup:tldr:49a24 pup: Print HTML as JSON.
    $ cat ${index-html} | pup '${div} json{}'
    try on your machine
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  • pup:tldr:58997 pup: Transform a raw HTML file into a cleaned, indented, and colored format.
    $ cat ${index-html} | pup --color
    try on your machine
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  • pup:tldr:8575a pup: Filter HTML by element tag name.
    $ cat ${index-html} | pup '${tag}'
    try on your machine
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