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List of commands for ssh:

  • ssh:ai:0c326 como conectar a un servidor en alemania via windows shell
    $ ssh usuario@servidor_alemania
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  • ssh:ai:4c5ce How do i ssh
    $ ssh user@hostname
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  • ssh:ai:58bcd diff two directories over ssh show only differences
    $ ssh user@host "diff -r dir1 dir2"
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  • ssh:ai:7e677 close ssh connection after 30 minutes
    $ ssh -o ServerAliveInterval=1800 user@hostname
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  • ssh:ai:8e7c4 How can i send a shutdown command with ssh?
    $ ssh user@hostname shutdown -h now
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  • ssh:ai:9bca4 Use SSH to connect to the secondary server at from centos.
    $ ssh username@
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  • ssh:ai:ac611 ssh into remote server
    $ ssh username@remote-server
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  • ssh:ai:b6ac6 How do I change file permissions on another server using SSH scp
    $ ssh user@remote_server 'chmod ${permissions} ${filename}'
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  • ssh:ai:f25c4 diff two directories on two different machines over ssh show only differences
    $ ssh user@remote_host 'diff -rq directory1 directory2'
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  • ssh:authorized-keys:remote:add This command copies your public key to the `authorized_keys` file on the remote host.
    $ ssh-copy-id user@host
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  • ssh:authorized-keys:remove Removes a single authorized key from the ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file
    $ sed -i '${key-to-remove}' ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
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  • ssh:files:user-rights:set Sets the file permissions to read and write for the user only, and no permissions for other users.
    $ chmod 600 ~/.ssh/id_rsa
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  • ssh:key:generate Generates a new SSH key pair for authentication
    $ ssh-keygen
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  • ssh:known-hosts:remove Removes a known host from the ~/.ssh/known_hosts file
    $ ssh-keygen -R ${hostname}
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  • ssh:tldr:014d5 ssh: Retrieve public key from secret key.
    $ ssh-keygen -y -f ${~--ssh-OpenSSH_private_key}
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  • ssh:tldr:03cb5 ssh: Generate an ed25519 key with 100 key derivation function rounds and save the key to a specific file.
    $ ssh-keygen -t ${ed25519} -a ${100} -f ${~--ssh-filename}
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  • ssh:tldr:06917 ssh: Connect to a remote server using the first line of a file as the password, automatically accept unknown ssh keys, and launch a command.
    $ sshpass -f ${filename} ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no ${user}@${hostname} "${command}"
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  • ssh:tldr:0cfca ssh: Generate an RSA 4096-bit key with email as a comment.
    $ ssh-keygen -t ${dsa|ecdsa|ed25519|rsa} -b ${4096} -C "${comment|email}"
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  • ssh:tldr:18c29 ssh: Run with verbose output (for debugging).
    $ sshd -D -d
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  • ssh:tldr:1ed17 ssh: Change the type of the key format (for example from OPENSSH format to PEM), the file will be rewritten in-place.
    $ ssh-keygen -p -N "" -m ${PEM} -f ${~--ssh-OpenSSH_private_key}
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  • ssh:tldr:21ba0 ssh: Add a key to the ssh-agent and the keychain.
    $ ssh-add -K ${path-to-private_key}
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  • ssh:tldr:21fb9 ssh: Connect to a remote server using a password supplied on a file descriptor (in this case, `stdin`).
    $ sshpass -d ${0} ssh ${user}@${hostname}
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  • ssh:tldr:2b767 ssh: Connect to a remote server with a specific identity (private key).
    $ ssh -i ${path-to-key_file} ${username}@${remote_host}
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  • ssh:tldr:2d2be ssh: Mount remote directory.
    $ sshfs ${username}@${remote_host}:${remote_directory} ${mountpoint}
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  • ssh:tldr:3e15f ssh: Use compression.
    $ sshfs ${username}@${remote_host}:${remote_directory} -C
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  • ssh:tldr:3f002 ssh: Retrieve all public ssh keys of a remote host.
    $ ssh-keyscan ${host}
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  • ssh:tldr:3f277 ssh: Connect to a remote server.
    $ ssh ${username}@${remote_host}
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  • ssh:tldr:3f7bb ssh: Add the default ssh keys in `~/.ssh` to the ssh-agent.
    $ ssh-add
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  • ssh:tldr:4131e ssh: Add a specific key to the ssh-agent.
    $ ssh-add ${path-to-private_key}
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  • ssh:tldr:417e3 ssh: Start daemon in the background.
    $ sshd
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  • ssh:tldr:4538f ssh: Delete a key from the ssh-agent.
    $ ssh-add -d ${path-to-private_key}
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  • ssh:tldr:454a7 ssh: Copy your keys to the remote machine.
    $ ssh-copy-id ${username@remote_host}
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  • ssh:tldr:49e87 ssh: Retrieve certain types of public ssh keys of a remote host.
    $ ssh-keyscan -t ${rsa,dsa,ecdsa,ed25519} ${host}
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  • ssh:tldr:4b38f ssh: Copy the given public key to the remote.
    $ ssh-copy-id -i ${path-to-certificate} ${username}@${remote_host}
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  • ssh:tldr:4f8c7 ssh: Forward all traffic except that which is bound for a specific subnet.
    $ sshuttle --remote=${username}@${sshserver} ${0-0-0-0-0} --exclude ${192-168-0-1-24}
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  • ssh:tldr:6ab41 ssh: Run on a specific port.
    $ sshd -p ${port}
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  • ssh:tldr:78f8e ssh: Manually update the ssh known_hosts file with the fingerprint of a given host.
    $ ssh-keyscan -H ${host} >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts
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  • ssh:tldr:83194 ssh: SSH jumping: Connect through a jumphost to a remote server (Multiple jump hops may be specified separated by comma characters).
    $ ssh -J ${username}@${jump_host} ${username}@${remote_host}
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  • ssh:tldr:84482 ssh: Connect to a remote server using a specific port.
    $ ssh ${username}@${remote_host} -p ${2222}
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  • ssh:tldr:90674 ssh: Copy the given public key to the remote with specific port.
    $ ssh-copy-id -i ${path-to-certificate} -p ${port} ${username}@${remote_host}
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  • ssh:tldr:944c0 ssh: Retrieve the fingerprint of a key in MD5 Hex.
    $ ssh-keygen -l -E ${md5} -f ${~--ssh-filename}
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  • ssh:tldr:96757 ssh: Delete all currently loaded keys from the ssh-agent.
    $ ssh-add -D
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  • ssh:tldr:96b6d ssh: Start an SSH Agent for the current shell.
    $ eval $(ssh-agent)
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  • ssh:tldr:a0a0e ssh: Connect to a remote server with the password supplied as an option, and automatically accept unknown ssh keys.
    $ sshpass -p ${password} ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no ${user}@${hostname}
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  • ssh:tldr:a6b49 ssh: Also forward all DNS traffic to the server's default DNS resolver.
    $ sshuttle --dns --remote=${username}@${sshserver} ${0-0-0-0-0}
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  • ssh:tldr:af516 ssh: Use the tproxy method to forward all IPv4 and IPv6 traffic.
    $ sshuttle --method=tproxy --remote=${username}@${sshserver} ${0-0-0-0-0} ${::-0} --exclude=${your_local_ip_address} --exclude=${ssh_server_ip_address}
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  • ssh:tldr:af8c7 ssh: Follow symbolic links.
    $ sshfs -o follow_symlinks ${username}@${remote_host}:${remote_directory} ${mountpoint}
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  • ssh:tldr:bba77 ssh: Change the password of a key.
    $ ssh-keygen -p -f ${~--ssh-filename}
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  • ssh:tldr:bfe4c ssh: Run sshd in the foreground.
    $ sshd -D
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  • ssh:tldr:ce1fd ssh: SSH tunneling: Forward a specific port (`localhost:9999` to ``) along with disabling pseudo-[T]ty allocation and executio[N] of remote commands.
    $ ssh -L ${9999}:${example-org}:${80} -N -T ${username}@${remote_host}
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  • ssh:tldr:d0937 ssh: Kill the currently running agent.
    $ ssh-agent -k
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  • ssh:tldr:d22ed ssh: Agent forwarding: Forward the authentication information to the remote machine (see `man ssh_config` for available options).
    $ ssh -A ${username}@${remote_host}
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  • ssh:tldr:d4baa ssh: SSH tunneling: Dynamic port forwarding (SOCKS proxy on `localhost:1080`).
    $ ssh -D ${1080} ${username}@${remote_host}
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  • ssh:tldr:d86a8 ssh: Run a command on a remote server with a [t]ty allocation allowing interaction with the remote command.
    $ ssh ${username}@${remote_host} -t ${command} ${command_arguments}
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  • ssh:tldr:e7804 ssh: Retrieve all public ssh keys of a remote host listening on a specific port.
    $ ssh-keyscan -p ${port} ${host}
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  • ssh:tldr:eada6 ssh: Mount remote directory from server with specific port.
    $ sshfs ${username}@${remote_host}:${remote_directory} -p ${2222}
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  • ssh:tldr:ee977 ssh: List fingerprints of currently loaded keys.
    $ ssh-add -l
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