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List of commands for stripe:

  • stripe:tldr:1f6f4 stripe: Print to JSON.
    $ stripe listen --print-json
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  • stripe:tldr:2e73d stripe: Listen for events, filtering on events with the name `charge.succeeded` and forwarding them to localhost:3000/events.
    $ stripe listen --events="${charge-succeeded}" --forward-to="${localhost:3000-events}"
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  • stripe:tldr:67f17 stripe: Create a customer.
    $ stripe customers create --email="${test@example-com}" --name="${Jenny Rosen}"
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  • stripe:tldr:d7799 stripe: Send a test webhook event.
    $ stripe trigger ${charge-succeeded}
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  • stripe:tldr:ec092 stripe: Follow the logs of activity on the account.
    $ stripe logs tail
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