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List of commands for svgr:

  • svgr:tldr:0f0e7 svgr: Transform all SVG files from a directory to React components into a specific directory skipping already transformed files.
    $ svgr --out-dir ${path-to-output_directory} --ignore-existing ${path-to-input_directory}
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  • svgr:tldr:5f6fe svgr: Transform all SVG files from a directory to React components into a specific directory without generating an index file.
    $ svgr --out-dir ${path-to-output_directory} --no-index ${path-to-input_directory}
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  • svgr:tldr:a1373 svgr: Transform all SVG files from a directory to React components into a specific directory using a specific case for filenames.
    $ svgr --out-dir ${path-to-output_directory} --filename-case ${select} ${path-to-input_directory}
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  • svgr:tldr:da901 svgr: Transform all SVG files from a directory to React components into a specific directory.
    $ svgr --out-dir ${path-to-output_directory} ${path-to-input_directory}
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