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List of commands for vegeta:

  • vegeta:tldr:4ec98 vegeta: Launch an attack on a server with a self-signed HTTPS certificate.
    $ echo "${GET https:--example-com}" | vegeta attack -insecure -duration=${30s}
    try on your machine
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  • vegeta:tldr:72a7c vegeta: Launch an attack lasting 30 seconds.
    $ echo "${GET https:--example-com}" | vegeta attack -duration=${30s}
    try on your machine
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  • vegeta:tldr:a4a8b vegeta: Launch an attack and plot the results on a graph (latency over time).
    $ echo "${GET https:--example-com}" | vegeta attack -duration=${30s} | vegeta plot > ${path-to-results-html}
    try on your machine
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  • vegeta:tldr:b197c vegeta: Launch an attack and display a report.
    $ echo "${GET https:--example-com}" | vegeta attack -duration=${30s} | vegeta report
    try on your machine
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  • vegeta:tldr:be013 vegeta: Launch an attack against multiple URLs from a file.
    $ vegeta attack -duration=${30s} -targets=${requests-txt} | vegeta report
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  • vegeta:tldr:d278b vegeta: Launch an attack with a rate of 10 requests per second.
    $ echo "${GET https:--example-com}" | vegeta attack -duration=${30s} -rate=${10}
    try on your machine
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