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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool debootstrap. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Debootstrap is a command line tool in Linux used for creating a minimal Debian-based file system. It is a utility that enables the installation of a Debian system in a directory on an existing Linux installation. Here are 10 key points about debootstrap:

  1. Debootstrap is primarily used in the process of creating a chroot environment, which allows the user to run a second instance of the operating system alongside the primary system.
  2. It can be used to install a Debian-based system on any Linux distribution, including Ubuntu, Fedora, and CentOS.
  3. Debootstrap downloads and installs the required Debian packages from the official repositories, effectively setting up a minimal Debian file system.
  4. It can be utilized to build custom Linux distributions or create isolated environments for testing, debugging, or development purposes.
  5. Debootstrap supports various architectures, such as x86, ARM, and PowerPC, allowing users to create file systems for different hardware platforms.
  6. The tool provides options to specify the Debian release, mirror repository, architecture, and target directory for installing the file system.
  7. Debootstrap can be used to bootstrap both the base system and additional packages, allowing for a customized installation.
  8. It supports the inclusion and exclusion of specific package categories during the installation, providing flexibility to tailor the file system.
  9. Debootstrap can also be utilized in the process of upgrading an existing Debian installation to a newer release or distribution.
  10. It maintains compatibility with multiple compression formats, including gzip, xz, and lzma, allowing for efficient storage and retrieval of the Debian packages.

List of commands for debootstrap:

  • debootstrap:tldr:6db26 debootstrap: Create a minimal system including only required packages.
    $ sudo debootstrap --variant=minbase stable ${path-to-debian-root-}
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  • debootstrap:tldr:afecc debootstrap: Create an Ubuntu 20.04 system inside the `focal-root` directory with a local mirror.
    $ sudo debootstrap focal ${path-to-focal-root-} ${file:---path-to-mirror-}
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  • debootstrap:tldr:ef677 debootstrap: Create a Debian stable release system inside the `debian-root` directory.
    $ sudo debootstrap stable ${path-to-debian-root-}
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