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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool prqlc. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


PRQLC is a command line tool developed for querying and analyzing data stored in Parquet files. It provides a convenient interface to execute SQL-like queries on Parquet files, extracting specific data from the files based on the query conditions. It supports various functionalities, including filtering data based on conditions, selecting specific columns, aggregating data using various functions, and ordering the output. PRQLC is designed to handle large-scale data, so it optimizes query execution and minimizes resource consumption to provide efficient results. Users can use the tool to explore and analyze large datasets stored in Parquet format without the need for advanced programming skills or complex query languages. The tool provides a syntax similar to SQL, making it familiar to users with SQL knowledge. PRQLC also includes additional features, such as statistical functions, data transformation capabilities, and metadata extraction from Parquet files. It supports parallel execution, allowing users to leverage multi-core CPUs for faster query processing. PRQLC is highly scalable and can handle huge datasets with ease, making it suitable for big data analytics and data exploration tasks. It can be integrated into existing data processing pipelines or used as a standalone tool.

List of commands for prqlc:

  • prqlc:tldr:57239 prqlc: Run the compiler interactively.
    $ prqlc compile
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  • prqlc:tldr:8719b prqlc: Compile a `.prql` file to a `.sql` file.
    $ prqlc compile ${path-to-source-prql} ${path-to-target-sql}
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  • prqlc:tldr:a026c prqlc: Compile a specific `.prql` file to stdout.
    $ prqlc compile ${filename-prql}
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  • prqlc:tldr:ec8f0 prqlc: Watch a directory and compile on file modification.
    $ prqlc watch ${path-to-directory}
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tool overview