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List of commands for brew:

  • brew:ai:57a6f Installs MySQL CLI using Homebrew package manager in macOS
    $ brew install mysql
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  • brew:ai:5af80 Installs invis-cli using Homebrew package manager on macOS
    $ brew install invis-cli
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  • brew:ai:74c1d Installs PostgreSQL using Homebrew package manager on MacOS
    $ brew install postgresql
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  • brew:ai:815ef This command installs the OpenSSL package on your MacOS system.
    $ brew install openssl
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  • brew:ai:a261e Use Homebrew package manager to install the Alpine email client on MacOS
    $ brew install alpine
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  • brew:ai:dc642 Use Homebrew package manager to install virt-viewer on MacOS
    $ brew install virt-viewer
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  • brew:cask:upgrade-all Upgrade all installed Homebrew casks
    $ brew upgrade --cask
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  • brew:tldr:24f89 brew: Upgrade an installed formula or cask (if none is given, all installed formulae/casks are upgraded).
    $ brew upgrade ${formula}
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  • brew:tldr:3ff90 brew: Install the latest stable version of a formula or cask (use `--devel` for development versions).
    $ brew install ${formula}
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  • brew:tldr:5aa00 brew: Fetch the newest version of Homebrew and of all formulae and casks from the Homebrew source repository.
    $ brew update
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  • brew:tldr:60ef3 brew: Display information about a formula or a cask (version, installation path, dependencies, etc.).
    $ brew info ${formula}
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  • brew:tldr:6390d brew: Show formulae and casks that have a more recent version available.
    $ brew outdated
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  • brew:tldr:c7320 brew: Check the local Homebrew installation for potential problems.
    $ brew doctor
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  • brew:tldr:cc86c brew: List all installed formulae and casks.
    $ brew list
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  • brew:warp:206e9a638bbd7c56c7d69c72089449ce Pin a formula to its current version
    $ brew pin ${formula_name}
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  • brew:warp:75dd456a95870feb65a52e33f8a3ddf6 Reinstall a Homebrew formula
    $ brew reinstall ${formula_name}
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  • brew:warp:95e033d284e044b48436f1a1a27b6797 Install a specific version of a Homebrew formula
    $ brew install ${formula_name}@${version_name}
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  • brew:warp:ba5b6e194aa91f8fdd5dbcd4c6276c77 Tap a Homebrew formula repository from GitHub
    $ brew tap ${formula_repository}
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  • brew:warp:bc3595355b69be16a31a9015afd42410 Reinstall all installed Homebrew formulae/casks
    $ brew list -1 | xargs brew reinstall
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  • brew:warp:c14f18e68b8b496af9f5291c404e8f17 Install all dependencies from Brewfile
    $ brew bundle install
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  • brew:warp:e04ce541bd9b2161b77885772f3771e3 Uninstall a Homebrew package and all of its dependencies
    $ brew tap beeftornado/rmtree
    $ brew rmtree ${package_name}
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  • brew:warp:efa5f36f9d94e00a1fff3f81f9b1aecd Unpin a homebrew formula
    $ brew unpin ${formula_name}
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