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List of commands for chroma:

  • chroma:tldr:5159b chroma: Highlight source code from `stdin` with the C++ lexer and output to an SVG file, using the Monokai style.
    $ ${command} | chroma --lexer ${c++} --formatter ${svg} --style ${monokai} > ${path-to-target_file-svg}
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  • chroma:tldr:5fce7 chroma: Highlight source code from a file with the Python lexer and output to `stdout`.
    $ chroma --lexer ${python} ${path-to-source_file-py}
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  • chroma:tldr:b516e chroma: List available lexers, styles and formatters.
    $ chroma --list
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  • chroma:tldr:d0f11 chroma: Highlight source code from a file with the Go lexer and output to an HTML file.
    $ chroma --lexer ${go} --formatter ${html} ${path-to-source_file-go} > ${path-to-target_file-html}
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