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List of commands for coproc:

  • coproc:tldr:0e9c5 coproc: Create a coprocess which repeatedly reads `stdin`, runs a pipeline on the input, and writes the output to `stdout`.
    $ coproc ${name} {select} | cat /dev/fd/0; done }
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  • coproc:tldr:4537d coproc: Write to a specific coprocess `stdin`.
    $ echo "${input}" >&"$${{name}[1]}"
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  • coproc:tldr:4917b coproc: Read from a specific coprocess `stdout`.
    $ read ${variable} <&"$${{name}[0]}"
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  • coproc:tldr:512d8 coproc: Run a subshell asynchronously.
    $ coproc { ${command1; command2; ---}; }
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  • coproc:tldr:938c8 coproc: Create a coprocess which repeatedly reads `stdin` and runs some commands on the input.
    $ coproc ${name} { while read line; do ${command1; command2; ---}; done }
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  • coproc:tldr:d3ee2 coproc: Create and use a coprocess running `bc`.
    $ coproc BC { bc --mathlib; }; echo "1/3" >&"${BC[1]}"; read output <&"${BC[0]}"; echo "$output"
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  • coproc:tldr:de3e5 coproc: Create a coprocess with a specific name.
    $ coproc ${name} { ${command1; command2; ---}; }
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