List of commands for cs-java:
cs-java:tldr:07aec cs-java: Set the a specific JVM as one-off "default" for the shell instance.$ cs java --jvm ${jvm_name}:${jvm_version} --envtry on your machineexplain this command
cs-java:tldr:51c5d cs-java: Set a specific JVM as default for the whole system.$ cs java --jvm ${jvm_name}:${jvm_version} --setuptry on your machineexplain this command
cs-java:tldr:6f5ce cs-java: List all the installed JVM in the system with his own location.$ cs java --installedtry on your machineexplain this command
cs-java:tldr:77095 cs-java: List all the available JVM in the coursier default index.$ cs java --availabletry on your machineexplain this command
cs-java:tldr:770ef cs-java: Call the java version by using coursier.$ cs java -versiontry on your machineexplain this command
cs-java:tldr:d1bc3 cs-java: Call a specific java version with custom properties using coursier.$ cs java --jvm ${jvm_name}:${jvm_version} -Xmx32m -X${another_jvm_opt} -jar ${path-to-jar_name-jar}try on your machineexplain this command
cs-java:tldr:eaf4c cs-java: Revert the changes for the default JVM settings.$ eval "$(cs java --disable)"try on your machineexplain this command