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List of commands for pod:

  • pod:tldr:38e15 pod: Show the outdated pods (of those currently installed).
    $ pod outdated
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  • pod:tldr:421f8 pod: Remove CocoaPods from a Xcode project.
    $ pod deintegrate ${xcode_project}
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  • pod:tldr:43490 pod: Update all currently installed pods to their newest version.
    $ pod update
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  • pod:tldr:4a870 pod: Create a Podfile for the current project with the default contents.
    $ pod init
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  • pod:tldr:b40c5 pod: Update a specific (previously installed) pod to its newest version.
    $ pod update ${pod_name}
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  • pod:tldr:dd0f6 pod: Download and install all pods defined in the Podfile (that haven't been installed before).
    $ pod install
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  • pod:tldr:e27c1 pod: List all available pods.
    $ pod list
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