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List of commands for salt-call:

  • salt-call:ai:069c2 Runs Salt command-line interface on minions
    $ salt-call
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  • salt-call:ai:bc7ca how do i get all salt grains on my current machine ?
    $ salt-call grains.items --out=json
    try on your machine
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  • salt-call:ai:f6183 Get all salt grains on the current machine
    $ salt-call grains.items --output=json
    try on your machine
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  • salt-call:tldr:13640 salt-call: Perform a highstate with verbose debugging output.
    $ salt-call -l debug state.highstate
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  • salt-call:tldr:484b9 salt-call: Perform a highstate dry-run, compute all changes but don't actually perform them.
    $ salt-call state.highstate test=true
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  • salt-call:tldr:c2d9e salt-call: List this minion's grains.
    $ salt-call grains.items
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  • salt-call:tldr:f8d03 salt-call: Perform a highstate on this minion.
    $ salt-call state.highstate
    try on your machine
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