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List of commands for ned:

  • ned:tldr:2563b ned: Simple replace.
    $ ned '${dog}' --replace '${cat}' ${-}
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  • ned:tldr:80c1e ned: Replace changing case.
    $ ned '${([a-z]+) dog}' --case-replacements --replace '${\U$1\E! dog}' --stdout ${-}
    try on your machine
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  • ned:tldr:873d1 ned: Search always showing colored output.
    $ ned --colors '${^[dl]og}' ${-}
    try on your machine
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  • ned:tldr:8d971 ned: Search ignoring certain files.
    $ ned --recursive --exclude '${*-htm}' '${^[dl]og}' ${-}
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  • ned:tldr:90cf0 ned: Preview results of a find and replace without updating the target files.
    $ ned '${^[sb]ad}' --replace '${happy}' --stdout ${-}
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  • ned:tldr:b16d4 ned: Search never showing colored output.
    $ ned --colors=never '${^[dl]og}' ${-}
    try on your machine
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  • ned:tldr:fc71c ned: Recursively search starting in the current directory, ignoring case.
    $ ned --ignore-case --recursive '${^[dl]og}' ${-}
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